We believe imprisonment should be a last resort, used only when absolutely necessary to protect the public, and should be used in conjunction with restorative justice practices and diversion programs. The court and criminal justice system should seek fair and just alternatives to the current criminal justice model. We also believe that prison should be rehabilitative, as it was prior to the 1994 crime bill. Revisions to the current model could provide 100,000 new, highly trained criminologists and restorative justice officers, $100 billion in community funding, funneled into public defenders offices, providing grants and services; ultimately the largest increase in public safety in 30 years.
CURE was founded in 1972, as a grassroots organization and became National in 1985. CURE is a membership organization and maintains a local presence in most states; either through local chapters or via contact chapters in other partner organizations. We work hard to ensure our members have the tools and information necessary to help them understand the criminal justice system and to advocate for change.
Georgia CURE seeks to take our passion for restorative justice and turn it into legislative action; and to partner with members of the criminal justice/ court system and the legislature, to seek fair alternatives to prison and, when not possible, to promote humane and rehabilitative environments within the prison system.
To provide orientation for GA families, with loved ones newly committed to the criminal justice system.
Helping to assure the GA prison classification and intake system helps house inmates in a way that is fair and safe
Assisting those who have served their prison sentence and may be on probation or parole, with restoring their voting rights. No vote, no voice!
Changing the legal age of emancipation, for criminal purposes from 17 to 18.
Abolishing unjust and costly mandatory minimum sentencing
FUNDING our PAC, supporting initiatives and candidates locally and nationally that impact our communities.
Visit the National CURE home page.
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